The  Internet , which  occupies  an  ever  greater  place in our daily lives , is gradually eliminating the borders and distances which separate peoples and nations  ,   and  transforming   our  world   into  a   global   village   in   which "residents" living thousands of miles apart become close "neighbors".  Groups with a common denominator - ethnic , professional , religious, etc. -  Have  begun  to  take  advantage  of  the Internet in order to preserve their  common interests , enhance relations , and strengthen cooperation between  group members .

In recognition of the unique character of the Druze community - numbering 1.5   million   in  Israel , Syria , Lebanon  and  around  the  world  -  we  have decided  to  work  diligently toward the rapid establishment of a central web site   to   serve   this   population . The   site   will  serve  as  a "  bridge "  and " meeting place "  for members of this community who have been  separated by artificial barriers and regional borders .

 We  sincerely  hope  that this  site will  faithfully serve the Druze community and  contribute  to  the strengthening of ties between its members . May this be the forerunner of peace and harmony for all the peoples of the region .


The Druse are a fiercely independent group concentrated in Lebanon around the base of Mount Hermon , and in the mountains behind Beirut and Sidon . A few villages are also located on the Golan Heights, in Syria and just inside the   Northern border of Israel.

 Very  little  information  is  known  about the Druse religion. It started in the 9th  Century  CE  as a break - away  group  from Islam . Darazi  ( a preacher ) and Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad (a Persian mystic) were instrumental in founding the Religion . They announced that God had manifested himself in human form as  al-Hakim B i- amr Allah , ( 985 or 996 -1021 CE ) , a Muslim caliph from Cairo Egypt. They now believe that Darazi started to distort the message; he is now considered blasphemous.

 They  refer  to  themselves as  Mowahhidoon ( plural ) or Mowahhid ( singular)  which means "monotheistic". Unfortunately, the rest of the world tends to refer to  them as  " Druze " or " Druse " , a  name  derived from their fallen preacher Darazi.

 After the death of their leader Baha al-Din in 1031 CE , their religion became Exclusive :  they  do not accept converts ;  they  do not marry other than fellow Druse ;  they  do  not  leave  the faith  .  They  currently total  about  200 to 300  Thousand  members. The Druse keep their religion secret, and often pose as members of the locally dominant religion.



The  Druse  hold  the  Qur'an  to  be  sacred , but look upon it as an outer shell, holding   an  "  inner  , esoteric   meaning  " . Their   religious  texts  are  known collectively  as " Kitab  Al  Hikma " ( The Book Of Wisdom). It is a collection of books, of which the first six are most commonly used.

 They are firmly monotheistic, believing in a single God. He has no partner ; he is not part of a Trinity. They recognize seven major prophets , including Adam, Abraham , and Jesus  ( who they believe to be the son of Joseph ) .  Each major prophets had seven minor prophets; each of the latter had twelve disciples, including Daniel, Plato and   other  individuals  from  Biblical  and  Greek  history .  Prophets  are  not worshipped  ,  although  their  names may  be   called   out  for help in times of trouble. The prophets are considered special people who are free of mistakes and of sin.

 They  believe   transmigration   of   the  soul :  that ,  at  death ,  one's  soul  is instantaneously  reincarnated ( in time and space); it is reborn into another life.  (2) Through  successive  reincarnations . the  soul  eventually  unites  with  " the ultimate  ( The one and only GOD ) . (2) They  conception  of heaven and hell is spiritual  in nature . " Heaven is the ultimate happiness that the soul encounters when  it unites  and  meets  its  creator ...... Hell is..... the   bitter  feeling of being deprived endlessly of the glorious presence of the Mighty .